Jansen Furniture

“A high-end luxury furniture and accessories manufacturer for a discerning lifestyle of enjoyment, comfort and esteem.”

Combination 6

Product Code : 51001

This product consisting of :

2x 31957 Bookcase, Top, “Book”
7x 31956WP Bookcase, “Book” Wooden Panel
2x 31955 Bookcase, Base, “Book” With Drawer
1x 32219 Showcase Book 5 X1 SGW

Accessories :

3x 31994 Bookblock
3x 32206 Beermat
0,5x 31990 Bookbox, 2 Pcs. Set

Dimensions : 172.00 cm. 31.00 cm. 212.00 cm.
  67.70 in. 12.60 in. 83.46 in.

Specification as shown :

Finish : MYL

Jansen Furniture

“A high-end luxury furniture and accessories manufacturer for a discerning lifestyle of enjoyment, comfort and esteem.”